I saw Bernini's sculpture "Apollo and Daphne" at the Galleria Borghese in Rome. It was the most beautiful sculpture I had ever seen. It tells the story of Apollo chasing Daphne, struck by Cupid's arrow, but she escapes by transforming into a laurel tree, eternally untouched.
I started with an old three prong kitchen towel holder. If I positioned two of the prongs in a certain way, they resembled legs; Daphne’s legs in the act of running. A butter mold held Daphne’s head, made from one of my Baby Doll molds. Because she is turning into a tree, I enclosed her with steel wool and moss. For her legs I used feet from a geisha doll, with cuffs of tinker toy wheels that I decoupaged. Her robes are made of fabric, paper, yarn and sea glass. Apollo is a figurine that I encased in heavy acrylic paint to make him look like a cloud. An Asbestos Sad Iron holds it all down. 18Hx5Wx14D